Saturday, September 12, 2009

Georgia Tech Memories.... 18 years later.

I feel really, really OLD even saying it... but it has been 18 years since I was at Bobby Dodd stadium, dressed in the band geek uniform and playing my heart out. Jumping up and down. Go Jackets! And trying to be a perfect RAT. I was there for one football season while I was in nursing school at Georgia Baptist College of Nursing. GBCON was a very small, all girls, no extra curricular activities kind of nursing school. We weren't there to have fun. Georgia Tech was just across the interstate and they didn't really care who joined their band, as long as we played. So I did! It was the 1991 season... and they had won a championship in 1990 so they were good times. I hooked up with some old high school band friends and played like old times. I had great fun. But I hadn't been back to the campus since that year. We've been in the area for random things (The Varsity) but no games, no school activities. I had the opportuity to join an old friend for a GT game this week. She said she was just looking for someone who liked Tech and her enough to do it... I almost turned it down. But it fell between my work days and Curtis agreed to do the soccer run that night. So I went. GT played Clemson... an ACC rival and the game always proves to be exciting. I really didn't care. I just enjoyed being there with Lenee and cheering in the midst of a crowd of Tiger fans. We met up after she got done with work and scooted across town to her secret $5 parking lot. She's always proud to share a find with the right people. :) We walked through the tunnel (which I don't think existed 18 years ago) and we found the band gathering on the steps (which I don't think existed 18 years ago). They played their pep songs and the crowd cheered and then they marched into the stadium. Now that, I remember! We hurried in to our seats so we could see everyone come out on the field. The game was very exciting as GT blew ahead for a 24-7 lead at the half. The second half they let Clemson come back and tie it up so everyone would stay to the end. ha! It ended up being a nail biter all the way to the end and Tech kicked the winning field goal with just 1 minute left. After the game we scavenged up some pom-poms for the kids... to make them happy for having me gone another night of the week. They're easily pleased. :)
I couldn't have had a better time... I don't think.
The memories came flooding back.

I still feel old.

More video soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was a perfect night. Actually, watching the band come in is a sacred ritual for me. So having you be just as excited about it was a real treat.

Oh, and give me the names of folks giving you a hard time and I'll give them a special - yellow jacket sting - for you.

Don't no body mess with my little GT rat! ha!


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