God created the sun, moon and stars.
We've been studying creation this month in Sunday school. This isn't my first time teaching it, or studying it, or hearing it. Yet - there's always something new to absorb.
Bennett had a project in school recently... the Moon Phases. I'm sure I've read them before, studied them, heard about them. Yet - there's always something new to absorb. He remembers much more than I can. The other night we looked at the moon as half-full. He explains it's a waxing crescent and it's getting bigger in this part of the cycle.
So, my creation question for all you theologians out there... on day 1 God separated the light from the dark. Was He the light? Where did the light come from? Because day 4 was when He created the sun, moon, and stars to make light to govern the day, light to govern the night, etc.
Today was Open House at Strong Rock Camp. We try to go each year. It's a fun day for the kids to get to play with the camp family, as well as participate in all the activities for free! Not that they understand the cost of camp... it's just a fun day. It was an absolutely beautiful day. Clear blue skies and 70+ temps. We enjoyed horse back rides, rock climbing, archery, riflery, and canoeing... oh, and snacks! I had 6 kids in tow (mine + 2 Himstedts) and I actually got to participate in the shooting of the guns and bows. My first time ever at camp! Woo Hoo! I hit my targets. Nobody was as impressed as me but it was fun. Bennett scared a snake on one of the paths and they both ran/slithered. We saw several of our family friends. If you're reading this and have never visited Strong Rock Camp... we highly recommend it! It's worth the financial sacrifice for a week or two of summertime fun. Save, scrimp, and give up a coffee or dinner out - it's for the kids! :)
In spite of all the fun happenings around here we are still devastated by the news of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. We've let the kids watch some of the news videos and they are just as amazed as we are with the total destruction. Unreal. Unbelievable. And what do we do here? Eat our fill of gluttony and enjoy our climate controlled comfortable beds.
I pray we understand even a fraction of what they're going through today. I pray we suffer just a little. I pray our kids will desire to help, serve, and share.
Oh, to understand the God of the sun, moon and stars. And earthquakes. And tsunamis. Creation - and death.