Ruth has been working here at the house on her own school... on the days that I'm home. She's really doing well for being pre-k, but is about the same as the other kids her age. !
It's just that her birthday is on the wrong day to be at school with the others. Next year she'll just seem brilliant. She got her glasses last week and has been diligent in wearing them all the time, without complaint. Everyone has commented on how adorable she is too. I think that helps. We even had a stranger tell her today while we were out on the town. She has been consistently polite and says thank you every time. Very cute
We started soccer practice this week too. In the past years we have only done spring ball... because fall ball starts the same as school. It seems crazy right now but I think the kids are doing fine with it. It's the parents who have the issues with running around all the time. This year Maggie and Ruth got on teams and will be running around with the pack. Maggie and Bennett are on the same team (as well as our friend Jaelen!) and then Ruth is on her own under-age team.
Hey Davidsons. Sorry for the delay. If you check out you will notice an updated blog link to the coolest family in the mountains! I GOT the HINT. I will talk with you soon. Are you ready to plant a church? HMMMMMM.......
Glad everyone is getting in the groove with school (oh, yeah...I know those school choice questions and how hard they can be to decide!!!! prayers for you on that one). Have a great weekend!!!
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