Friday, January 04, 2008

Lydia video

Lydia was being extremely silly yesterday while we were stuck at home in the house. Bennett called it PJ Day since I never made them get dressed! The girls are still really enjoying their new CD players and Lydia was joining in on the fun. She was listening to one of Maggie's Praise & Worship CD's... completely NOT what she's saying. But it's funny who all she thinks of to blame for her behavior.


Unknown said...

Ah, PJ day - and oh, to be a kid again.

Miss L's laughter is worth it all. I had my money on Bennett all along!

Have a great week.


Lisa said...

Max got the biggest kick out of this video! He kept saying "pees" i.e. Please, to watch it again and again.

Uh, can relate to the thumb issue, ours is the 2 fingers, I've started on the Bandaids, we'll see.

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