WOOO HOOOO!! With a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
It’s Here! For those of you who have been waiting on our 2009 letter… it’s here! AND 2010 all wrapped up in one. I’m not sure exactly what happened last year that it completely got away, got busy, got forgotten – but I’m blaming it all on the computer that won’t allow me to type word documents! So, one week before Christmas I sit to type up greetings and Merry Wishes for the Christmas Season. For those of you with internet (??) you can follow us year-round at www.davidsonupdate.blogspot.com with more pictures than you really need, video footage of the kids, and interesting thoughts from Jenny! Yes, I still have thoughtful moments… but they’re fleeting fast. You can also find us on facebook and email cnjd@windstream.net I still desire to send hand written notes, cards, and mementoes because receiving REAL mail in the box is so much more enjoyable than emails and bills. The desire is there, we just despise licking stamps.
So here we go…Our days are filled with all things children! With 4 of them (now 5-10 years) it seems everything we do, think, say, eat, feel revolves around them. I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY love our 4 little people and all we get to do with them and for them. I don’t really miss the pre-children life because before long – it’ll be back. In less than 15 years all 4 will be gone and instead of enjoying our quiet and “freedom” we’ll be longing for the pitter-patter of their feet running and jumping through the house. First up….
Bennett (10) is in 4th grade and joined the school chorus this year. He is beginning to appreciate sports (although we didn’t play this year), still loves riding his 4-wheeler and Jeepin with Dad through the woods, rides 3 different sized bikes to do different tricks, trails, and roads, loves being outside, reading books, playing his drum set from Christmas past (which he just put back together), and he still plays with and entertains his sisters… although he pesters Maggie the most.
Maggie (9) is in 3rd grade and is becoming involved in school activities (K kids), playing the recorder (yippee!), learning to like books, putting forth more effort into schoolwork, and still loves to play with the little sisters. Her biggest accomplishment the last 2 years is running!! She has become Daddy’s running buddy and they have completed several 5k races in the area, the latest (and biggest) was in Atlanta on Thanksgiving Day. She has a great stride and a pretty quick time but really has endurance. If she’ll embrace this we hope to see her excel at cross country in middle and high school. Better yet a scholarship. One can pray.
Ruth (7) is in 1st grade and entertains us daily. She has a grasp of “common sense” and often explains to her sisters how and why things work a certain way… like everyone should just know! Her quick wit leaves us laughing when we least expect it. She has made some really good friends her 1st 2 years of school and is really excelling in her learning. It always amazes us to watch books come to life as she reads so well these days.
Lydia (5) started school this year and really struggled the first 8 weeks, but has learned a TON, made a few friends and now enjoys going, unless she’s tired. She makes us laugh ALL the time. She’s silly, fun and uninhibited. She has fallen and busted her chin twice this year and both times were trips to the ER for tape and/or glue. I’ve decided next time I’m just doing it at home! Bennett just reminded us we are out of superglue to fix his truck.
We’ve taken several trips to Chattanooga to play. Chat-town is our new favorite getaway. We always enjoy the Kid’s Museum, Aquarium, Rock City, The Choo-Choo, walks in town around the river and general vacation time! We had my family’s 5 year reunion and camped at Lake Hartwell this summer and we were also able to go to Ohio and camp for the Wallace family reunion in June. The 3 big kids and I went to summer camp at Strong Rock Camp for a week this past July.
I played nurse… but mostly, I just played. I love being there with all the kids and pretending I’m young again. (join us – www.strongrockcamp.com plug..plug)
Curtis and I actually got to go on a cruise this spring. I finally convinced him to just go… he quickly changed his tune and is now a cruiser, as the veterans call it and is willing to go again. Anytime baby, anytime! Curtis and Bennett and Grandpa Nelson got to take in their first NASCAR race for B’s birthday. Thanks to Uncle Rob for the pits and all things smoked! We have a couple friends who have taken us to some of the Georgia Tech football games this fall too. The kids have become Jacket fans in a Bulldog world… we’re up to the challenge!
With all 4 finally in school and the housing construction market in the tank, Curtis has changed gears and was
blessed with an opportunity to work full time with a close friend in his Law Office. Time is spent learning the ins and outs of the real estate legal world. Collation and Court Houses are the new talk of the town. I’m still in the NICU, I resigned my charge nurse position last year and went back to bedside nursing… where I belong. Life is much calmer for me. We also got a whole new management team since last year… but it’s all good. Really good.
We stay busy, despite dropping our extra curricular activities this year. We have our weekly family dinner group and church and school and work and family and so on…and so on…and we love it.
I guess that about sums up the crazy life with the D’s. So in closing, we want to encourage you to make Much of Him, not just this Christmas, but every day and in every moment your crazy life finds you this New Year.
With Blessings of His Mercy and Grace
The D’s
Curtis, Jenny, Bennett, Maggie, Ruth, & Lydia Davidson