I have no idea what's going on around here... but the latest news is that Ruth actually turned 5 years old on Monday. It's frightening, I know. That just sounds really OLD to me. I guess it really helps that she doesn't go off to school today. She fully expected to be able to join the older two in their daily trek to the local schoolhouse. I think there was genuine disappointment when I told her she had to wait even longer.

We celebrated her special day here at the house. After I got back from taking the eldest to school she informed me she wanted her special birthday breakfast... pink pancakes with a chocolate chip smiley face and some bacon. So the girls and I had her special breakfast about 10 o'clock.

I had to work on cleaning the house and getting food ready for dinner so Curtis took her to town to pick up her Tinkerbell cake from the store. While they were gone I wrapped up the few things we got for her. She had requested a new booster seat for the van since she's almost 40 pounds! She also wanted a nightgown.

She had actually picked both of those out with me on a recent shopping trip together so neither were a big surprise. The big kids came home and picked out a couple things from my closet stash... including Porky the pig, her newest Webkinz. I think they both enjoyed making her birthday cards and getting the packages ready. She came home while we were still wrapping so it was fun for her to pretend to open the bedroom door and peak while the others yelled "NO".

She had asked for just a couple friends to join us for dinner and cake. Abbey and Amelia and Elliott topped the list... her 1st choices (cousins) were unable to attend. It's hard to explain that the Pennsylvania to Georgia trip isn't something anyone can do for a 3 hour birthday party. :) Our Gainesville cousins were also unable to join us.

We still had lots of fun with our friends and their siblings. Nothing like a little spaghetti sauce slung around the kitchen by 11 little people.
She opened her gifts from everyone and was sooooo excited about having presents. I'm not sure she's had party for just her before. At least not one she remembers (or me). She was delighted to get 2 new Webkinz because now she has more than Bennett! She was also surprised to get a nightgown that she didn't pick out... and it's just like Amelia's!

After presents the kids all went outside and blew bubbles and acted like monkeys on the playhouse/swingset. Curtis had just added a bridge this past week and the boys figured out they could swing from the bridge on the rings. It was fun until the cries rang out and he put an end to it! I had them all line up for a photo shoot. Lydia and Avery were busy inside so they are missing. The others were trying to smile, not smile, laugh, and make the "AJ" face.
Back row: Bennett, AJ, Abbey, Shannon
Front row: Maggie, Jacey, Amelia, Ruth, Elliott.

Ruth blows bubbles.
Abbey and her bubbles.

Shannon's bubble face.
AJ works on some bubbles.

And then Elliott blows hard to get his to fly.
Maggie and her efforts.

A quick shot of the bridge on the playhouse.

My friend Alison... who is now wearing a bubble covered shirt thanks to Elliott and a bat that went array.

And we can't forget my friend Corie and Elizabeth. She didn't get to play in the bubbles, or the spaghetti, or the cake and ice cream. Doesn't she look neglected?
We are thankful for all our friends!